Ethos of the Convent of Jesus and Mary School:

The education of the children was the main concern of our Mother Foundress so she says, “Let us form these children that they will be a blessing to every house they enter.” St. Claudine Thevenet

Aims of the Policy:

To recognize the need for safety, protection, physical, social and emotional development of children.
To create a student-centered environment to make learning joyful, challenging and engaging.
To allow students to become confident communicators and collaborators in the learning experience.
To allow for both student and staff diversity when teaching, taking into account culture and environment.

Child Protection Policy:

Recognition of child protection from violence, exploitation, abuse i-e. physical and emotional, neglect, bullying and sexual.
To have a basic understanding of how children develop, which includes physical, social and cognitive development.
To develop a friendly learning environment in which children are motivated and able to learn. Staff members need to be friendly, welcoming and must attend to their health, safety and learning needs of the children.
Make use of teaching and learning strategies which allow pupils to develop confidence and participation in school activities and personal development.
Develop rights based learning and assessment to ensure that children’s rights to express their views are granted and that their views are given due weight.
Encourage and train teachers to introduce strategies for non-violent conflict resolution and provide effective mechanisms for complains by children. Every child has the right to freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
To encourage teachers to be role models for respecting the dignity and integrity of children. To develop compassion and child friendly approach that would help to develop and establish fair, trusting, supportive and constructive student-teacher and student-student working relationships to enhance learning.