A Message from the Principal:

Dear Friends, together with all the Sisters, I wish you and your families every blessing from Almighty God and the gift of good health. While Covid-19 continues to hinder a complete return to normal life in so many ways, we are still grateful to Almighty God that there is some improvement in the overall situation in our country. As more and more people are vaccinated, we pray that life will continue to improve even further.

This year 2021 completes 165 years since the foundation of the Convent of Jesus and Mary, Sialkot, on February 15th, 1856. Since that date, we have been imparting quality education to so many pupils in the lovely, historical city of Sialkot. This year we are pleased to launch the new school website, hoping that it will facilitate better communication among all those connected with the school. We dedicate it to all our students, past, present and future.

On October 6th, 1818, our Foundress, Saint Claudine Thevenet, started the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary, in Lyon France. Since that date, 203 years later, we the Sisters of Jesus and Mary throughout the world, have endeavoured to continue her mission of education for children from all social backgrounds. She often said to her companions, “So form these children that they may be a blessing in any home they enter”. And so, Value Education, or Character Building, plays an important part in the curriculum of all our JM schools. We see the formation of the pupil’s character and personality as of prime importance in all our educational efforts. Discipline, gentle yet firm, does not inhibit, rather it helps form the person, and so it will always be part of how our schools function. The Quaid-e-Azam obviously knew its value when he included it in the motto he gave our country. It goes without say that we also aim at academic excellence, working now at using information technology as a teaching aid. But it is the formation of the child’s character that will stand her in good stead in her future life, anywhere in the world. A ‘Conventarian’ should be recognized anywhere by her sound character and integrity.

It would be an understatement for me to say that this past year 2020 has been a very difficult one for all of us, but together we have faced it positively and bravely. Thank you for your cooperation throughout the year and for your understanding, as we try to do our best for your children in these rather strange circumstances. God is great and God is good! Surely in answer to so many prayers, God will bring about an end to Covid-19, so that we can lead normal lives again, and especially that all our children can come to school daily at 100 % attendance.

I look forward to your continued cooperation at all times. May this website be the source of further communication among all who form part of the vast CJM family. We assure you of our prayers and may Almighty God bless you abundantly.


Sr. Marie-Cecile Osborne RJM